Tuesday 24 July 2012

Yoga Exercises For Weight Loss Beginners

When you think about weight loss, and dieting and exercising makes you remember those unsatisfactory times, you should start thinking of other alternatives, such as yoga. Yoga exercises for weight loss is a form of meditation that helps you lose weight and help metabolism, toning up the muscles, etc.

You have to remember that even though yoga poses help with weight loss, all of them aren't meant for it. There are some that are there for the peace of the mind. But you have to remember one thing: Dedication is very important. Well try to maintain good eating habits as well.

Below are a few yoga exercises for weight loss for you:

1. Wind Releasing Pose

For this pose, you have to lie down on your back and hug your knees to your chest, making sure that both of them are not spread apart. From there, use your fists and take them in front of knees and trying raising your head from the ground or floor. All you have to do is keep breathing throughout and notice the slight ache in your abs.

2. Cobra Pose

Lie down on a mat with your face to the ground and your feet aligned on the ground. Then using your hands right below the shoulder, push down so that your head and torso lift up.

Then move your head to face straight ahead and spread your fingers, the shoulder blades going lower and behind. Then push your shoulders backwards, making sure you stretch it all throughout the spine. While doing so, breathe deeply, and then when you are in the normal position, breathe out.

3. Side Stretch Pose

If you need a pose that is going to accelerate your heart beat and work on the waist, this is it. All you have to do is stand erect with the feet spread a little more than the shoulders.

Start turning your torso towards your right side along with your legs. Make your torso parallel to the ground by bending it. Repeat the same process with the other side, and remember to keep breathing.

4. Bow Pose

In this pose, you have to lay down on your stomach, bending your knees behind so that you can try to reach out for it. Push your feet higher along with keeping your tummy sucked in.

While doing so, you can try raising your upper torso with the shoulder blades outwards. Keep your breath held and then relaxed while doing all these. This pose is for toning the area around the abdomen.

5. Warrior Pose

You have to stand upright and move both the feet, around four feet outwards, and the torso to the torso to your left. Make sure that one knee is bent, the left one, and the other is perpendicular to the ground. Then, reach upwards with your hands and turn your head to look at them. This is good for your thighs, abdomen and the hands.

The yoga exercises for weight loss that help the most in yoga are quite intense, so feeling a little burn may be due to burning of fat around the areas you're concentrating on.

Thursday 19 July 2012

Push-Ups - Just Perfect For Your Body

Physical activity is life! Exercise is life! Which exercises are considered the easiest to perform? Except walking, which is the easiest to do.

Think about another exercise that you can do by yourself without the help of a fitness trainer. What other exercise helps your entire body be in top shape?

Well, the answer is very simple: push-ups!

If you didn't know it already, the push-ups are the closest thing there is to a perfect exercise.

Push-ups are the best upper body exercises that use the body's own weight to strengthen and shape the core muscles: the chest muscles, the shoulder muscles, the triceps and the back muscles.

These are the 10 reasons why you should be doing push-ups:

1. It works more muscle groups than any other body-weight exercise.
2. The position in which the exercise is performed does not force your joints, so you will not feel any pain.
3. Fifty reps a day equals 2 hours of exercise.
4. Anyone knows how to do it.
5. Even persons weighing over 100 kg can perform it.
6. You can train in the park, at work or at home.
7. With only 30 minutes of push-ups a day, you will keep yourself in top shape.
8. After a month of daily training, you will see a visible increase in arm muscle size and mass, you will lose up to 5 pounds and your chest will be more firm and bigger.
9. Arm strength will increase considerably.
10. You will stay in shape with minimal effort.

Here are 5 tips for effective push-ups:

1. Do not touch the floor with your chest. The descent should be controlled. Keep a 5-8 cm distance. To avoid mistakes, put a book on the floor while doing push-ups. When you touch the book with your chest, you will know it is time to get up again.

2. If you are a beginner and traditional push-ups seem too hard, do knee push-ups instead. Start face-down on the ground. Lift the feet off floor and bring your heels towards your buttocks. Bend the knees to form a L-shape.

If these are also hard, do wall push-ups. Stand two feet from the wall and place your hands flat against it. Bend your arms slowly until your face is about 2 inches from the wall. Then push back and return to starting position.

After a few days, you will be able to do both knee and basic push-ups.

3. Make small changes when you train. For example, try different arm and hand placement push-ups. Try slow push-ups, one-handed or plyometric push ups.

4. Perform this exercise in front of a mirror to see if your body position is correct. At the start and end of the push-up your elbows must be fully extended, forefoot or toes on the floor. Legs, hips and back must be straight. If you do not have a mirror near you, ask someone to assist you.

5. Divide the 50 repetitions in several sets. Perform these sets throughout the day. Do not forget to drink plenty of water-based fluids.

So, if you want to get a lean and strong body or just lose weight, you must include the push-ups in your fitness program. Keep in mind that smart fitness plus smart diet equals smart people.

Monday 16 July 2012

Being a Vegetarian and Losing Weight

Most people who are trying to lose weight basically want to lose those unwanted fats. What better way to lose weight then to become a vegetarian. A vegetarian's diet has all the necessary nutrients, minerals and vitamins the human body will ever need. Quality and complete nutrition can be found in fruits, vegetables and grains which makes-up a vegetarian's diet.
Obesity or being overweight is a worldwide problem and studies have proven that a big reason for this, is the kind of food that people are consuming. Because everybody is busy with no time to really consider what to eat plus the fact that global economy isn't so good more people prefer to eat cheap processed food. Different options have been introduced to lose weight but it should be considered that the body still needs a certain low amount of fat to have one's immune system function properly or for the hormonal and reproductive system to work just fine. One sure way to achieve this, is to have a vegetarian diet, there will be weight loss without compromising one's health. Diet pills, diet fads and liposuctions are not the only option in fact, opt for the safer and healthier choice which changing into a vegetarian diet to achieve weight loss.
A vegetarian's diet is the best choice if one wants to lose weight because it is safer and healthier. It is healthier in the sense that you get all the nutrients you need but at the same time you also get the necessary calories and fat for your immune system, reproductive system and hormones to function properly.
Most people eat because they feel that their stomach is empty but with a vegetarians diet you can even eat than you used to eat and will get a feeling of being full without the unnecessary fat and calories. For people seriously considering a vegetarian diet for weight loss should stick to fruits and vegetables that are rich in vitamin C and rich in fiber. Vitamin C is highly recommended for a weight loss program because it is believed to stop the fat absorption in the body. Fibers on the other hand are also great for weight loss because they give the feeling of being full so that you won't want to be eating or think you are hungry and it helps in the digestion of food. Another recommendation for weight loss is the consuming of fruits that are high in water content because they help suppress one's appetite. All these can be possible with the vegetarian diet. Even for one who has a sweet tooth, a vegetarian diet is not impossible because your craving for any sugary treats and desserts like cookies, cakes, candy bars and ice cream can be replace by fruit smoothies, fruit fondue or fruits dipped in natural peanut butter.
Other great fruits in the vegetarian diet that can help in weight loss include guava which is rich in fiber and helps suppress appetite and regulates the level of insulin in the body. Melon fruits are also rich in fiber and contain high level of water that stays longer in the stomach to curb one's appetite. Apples have pectin fiber that stops the storing of unwanted fat plus regulates the blood glucose level.
Some more great food from a vegetarians diet that can aid in weight loss is mushrooms which are considered to be a vegetable rich in L-ergothioneine which is an antioxidant. Carrots are vegetables that are low in calories. Broccoli is another beneficial food for losing weight since it contains a lot of fiber, protein, potassium, folate, magnesium, phosphorus and Vitamin C.

Saturday 14 July 2012

A Perfectly Natural Way To Relieve Pain In Your Shoulders

As you may have experienced or perhaps are experiencing it right NOW... Shoulder pain is a common ailment of sportsmen and gym goers throughout the world.

Wouldn't it be nice if there was a perfectly natural way to relieve this and what can be excruciating pain.

Well my friends there is and it's called YOGA!

Yes, Yoga.

With Yoga you can combat shoulder pain without having to resort to taking drugs and aspirin or have your arms strapped up with supports etc. Why not try this Dahn Yoga exercise and stretch to keep your upper arms free and loose.

Shoulder pain is massive. More than 10% of the worlds population have experienced shoulder pain or stiffness in the last 30 days. Yes, the last 30 days! That statistic is mind blowing.This is a huge, huge problem that can be greatly eased by following these instructions below.

Shoulder pain can have many causes including arthritis, bursitis and many other age related or injury related health complaints.

Let's take a look at what you can do to relax your shoulders and reduce inflammation:

First off, shrug your shoulders up and down for around one minute. this will initially loosen up your upper body ready for the stretching exercises.

Next start with straight arms down by your side. Lift both arms to the horizontal like wings stretched out either side of your body. Very slowly lower them back done. The slower the better.

Raise again and hold in the horizontal position for a couple of minutes then slowly lower down to your side.

Repeat this 4 or 5 times increasing the height gradually each time until your arms are straight and upright.

Relax them back down again.

OK, here come the stretch...

1. Raise one arm and bend it behind your head. This will relief the tension in your arms and shoulders forming the shape of an inverted 'V' behind the head.

2. Reach up with your other hand and hold the hand that's behind your head.

3. Very gently gradually pull you hand down thus stretching the shoulder joint. You will feel your joint being stretched. Be gentle.

4. Control your breathing when conducting this exercise as with any exercise. Breath deep and slowly.

For this exercise to be effective you will need to carry it out at least three or four times per day. You do not need to over do it. At first just stretch ever so slightly increasing as the days progress.

You will find over time that the shoulder joint will start to become more flexible increasing its range of motion leading to a gradual decrease in pain and swelling.

I must stress, this is not an overnight cure but with time and patience will produce results and give you a more pain free and supple upper body.

Friday 13 July 2012

From No Time To More Time For Exercise-Effective Exercise Tips

I don't have the time, this is the most common explanation people offer when asked why they are not able to achieve their exercise and weight loss goals. Although we are not able to add days to a week or more hours in a day, we can slip several minutes of workouts throughout the week which can make considerable headway in meeting your fitness goals. These exercise tips for busy people can be used separately or you can combine several in order to achieve your weight loss goals faster.

Wakeup earlier-It may seem that this fitness tip is just common sense since it forces you to prioritize your exercise session by scheduling it before you do anything else but studies show that if you exercise when you first wake up you burn more energy throughout the day. This in turn means that you can spend less time exercising throughout the week which is perfect for a busy schedule.

Walk to work-If you can walk from your house to the office in around a 30 to 45 minutes then turn your commute time to your daily fitness session. Do remember to check the route however if these plans are doable and safe.

Work out during lunch breaks-The problem with some people is their belief that you can only get benefits from exercise if you spend an hour or more per session. This has been proven by research to be untrue. If you can only run for 20 minutes on the treadmill or elliptical for the day, then do it. These short burst workouts can be comfortably scheduled during lunch breaks. Not only will you be able to burn more calories but it will also get the blood flowing making you more alert and able to focus in the afternoon.

Climb the stairs instead of using the elevator-A brisk 10 to 15 minute stair climb burns calories and tones the muscles in your legs plus it even helps reduce your carbon footprint. Take the stairs two at a time and your glut muscles will look better than ever.

Exercise while catching up on your favorite show-You can skip rope, jog in place, perform crunches, push-ups, squats and arm exercises with dumbbells all while watching your favorite show. So don't worry, you don't have to sacrifice your TV time in lieu of your exercise sessions.

These exercise tips for busy people are simple and effective so start using today for a healthier you.

Thursday 12 July 2012

Why Should You Get Fit?

Why should you do something that you hate when you could be watching the T.V or playing computer games? Why should you get fit, after all doesn't it mean that you will have to spend hours at the gym? Hopefully some of the answers will strike a chord with you.

It's a well-established fact that regular exercise is good for you, in fact it's not just good for your body, but it's good for your mind as well. One thing that you don't have to do is to train for hours at a gym, doing something simple and relaxing like increasing the amount that you walk during the day can have significant benefits for you.

It doesn't matter what you are doing, but if you exercise on a regular basis then you will find that it releases tension and stress, it's even good for things like depression, and it's through having depression that I was able to get into my local gym at reduced rates. Even if you just go for a walk you can completely relax, no matter how busy the crowds are around you.

And if you are following a workout program, or if you are a part of a team, the satisfaction that you can get from having  a good workout is immense. You feel a part of something and you feel GOOD!

There are MASSIVE health benefits to exercising. Regular exercise reduces the risk of you getting heart disease, it reduces the risk of you getting high blood pressure, it reduces the risk of you developing certain types of cancer, it helps to prevent diabetes, and it reduces your risk of getting high cholesterol. All this information is in the public domain but people still seem resistant to exercise. I remember once going for a job interview to an area that I didn't know, I asked directions and was told that it was about 3 miles away, the people I spoke to were horrified that I was going to walk so far. 3 Miles is such a short distance, but far too many people put up blocks in their minds that stop them from achieving a healthier lifestyle.
As I have repeatedly said just because you have to exercise it doesn't mean spending hours in the gym or running mile after mile, the easiest way to improve your fitness and health is to walk more. Walking a few miles a day is no big deal.

So, why should you get fit?

That's easy, to stay healthy, to enjoy life more, to challenge yourself, to relax and unwind, to take more pride in yourself, to re-discover that you can achieve. Are you going to get fit? It's up to you my friend no-one can make that decision for you.

My First Blog

Hi guys !
welcome to my blog,here i will share my knowledge about health and fitness with you.....
so keep in touch to make your body shape perfect :-)