Thursday 12 July 2012

Why Should You Get Fit?

Why should you do something that you hate when you could be watching the T.V or playing computer games? Why should you get fit, after all doesn't it mean that you will have to spend hours at the gym? Hopefully some of the answers will strike a chord with you.

It's a well-established fact that regular exercise is good for you, in fact it's not just good for your body, but it's good for your mind as well. One thing that you don't have to do is to train for hours at a gym, doing something simple and relaxing like increasing the amount that you walk during the day can have significant benefits for you.

It doesn't matter what you are doing, but if you exercise on a regular basis then you will find that it releases tension and stress, it's even good for things like depression, and it's through having depression that I was able to get into my local gym at reduced rates. Even if you just go for a walk you can completely relax, no matter how busy the crowds are around you.

And if you are following a workout program, or if you are a part of a team, the satisfaction that you can get from having  a good workout is immense. You feel a part of something and you feel GOOD!

There are MASSIVE health benefits to exercising. Regular exercise reduces the risk of you getting heart disease, it reduces the risk of you getting high blood pressure, it reduces the risk of you developing certain types of cancer, it helps to prevent diabetes, and it reduces your risk of getting high cholesterol. All this information is in the public domain but people still seem resistant to exercise. I remember once going for a job interview to an area that I didn't know, I asked directions and was told that it was about 3 miles away, the people I spoke to were horrified that I was going to walk so far. 3 Miles is such a short distance, but far too many people put up blocks in their minds that stop them from achieving a healthier lifestyle.
As I have repeatedly said just because you have to exercise it doesn't mean spending hours in the gym or running mile after mile, the easiest way to improve your fitness and health is to walk more. Walking a few miles a day is no big deal.

So, why should you get fit?

That's easy, to stay healthy, to enjoy life more, to challenge yourself, to relax and unwind, to take more pride in yourself, to re-discover that you can achieve. Are you going to get fit? It's up to you my friend no-one can make that decision for you.

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